Friday, September 30, 2011

Preparing to Juice

Here is what I've done to prepare for juicing:

1) Find something or someone that will tell me exactly what to do. For me, that comes in the form of a book titled The Juice Fasting Bible by Sandra Cabot, M.D..

This book is awesome. It's only 146 pages, and it gets straight to the point. She offers several plans, and a ton of recipes.

2) Make a juicing plan. This was really, really hard. Even though I had every recipe laid out, making sure I was accounting for a week's supply of juicing was not easy. However, by using the seven day plan in the aforementioned book, I was able to put a solid plan together in about 45 minutes. Here's what I did:
  1.  Used the 7 day fast plan from The Juice Fasting Bible
  2. Accounted for each recipe, then doubled a few of them to make sure I had a week's supply of juice.
  3. Went shopping at Whole Foods
3) Come home with a s!%# ton of produce. $184 to be exact. I got a deal with Living Social for $10 off a $20 voucher, and we also got some supplemental stuff that will last us a while. So really it's more like $130 worth of produce.

Now, almost a week into it, I realize that recipes aren't really necessary once you know what you like. But, this made it so much less intimidating for the first go around.

I'll leave you with a bit of advice that I will be sticking to myself: GET RID OF ALL FOOD THAT ISN'T JUICING RELATED. Since we have a two year old, we do have some pastas, yogurts, and peanut butter and jelly stuff for her to eat since she isn't fasting with us. Even that makes my mouth water. If you can get rid of all of it, or just store it where it isn't readily available (since I do NOT advocate wasting food), do it. You will save yourself a lot of temptation.

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